Concerns Regarding Animal Care and Use

Any person with concerns regarding animal care, use, and/or treatment may report those concerns without the fear of reprisal or future discrimination. No Georgia Tech employee, committee member, laboratory technician, or other employee shall be discriminated against or subject to any reprisal for reporting concerns or violations of regulations or standards.

Persons with no formal relationship with Georgia Tech are also encouraged to register their concerns, also without fear of reprisal or future discrimination.

Concerns and/or violations may be reported to the Associate Vice President for Research Integrity Assurance (AVP-RIA), to the IACUC Chair, or Director of Research Integrity Assurance (listed below) or to IACUC members. Concerns may be presented in person, in writing, or by telephone.

Tanta Myles, Associate Vice President for Research Integrity Assurance, Institute Official 
Office of Research Integrity Assurance
Phone: 404.894.7673

Dr. Julie Champion, Chair, Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) 
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Phone: 404.894.2874  

Dr. Richard Nichols, Vice-Chair, Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) 
Phone: 404.894.3986
School of Biological Sciences, Emeritus

Mary Beran, Director, Office of Research Integrity Assurance 
Phone: 404.290.2160
Office of Research Integrity Assurance

EthicsPoint Anonymous Reporting:
EthicsPoint enables anyone to anonymously report a concern of fraud, waste or abuse at Georgia Tech through a third party. In addition to fulfilling Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) accreditation standards and Department of Defense regulations, the system complies with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, federal statutes requiring enterprise-wide reporting mechanisms for the protection of businesses’ private information. EthicsPoint allows for anonymous reporting, in compliance with applicable whistleblower policies, nondiscrimination against the concerned/reporting party, and protection from reprisals.
Phone: 866.294.5565  
Web: EthicsPoint Reporting

Department of Internal Auditing:
Phone: 404.894.3927

GT Accountability:
The Georgia Institute of Technology is committed to the highest standards of integrity in all areas of operation and resolves that such activities undertaken by faculty, staff, and students will be conducted in accordance with strict ethical principles and in compliance with federal, state, and Institute regulations and policies.
Phone: 404.894.3927